Terms & Conditions


Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours encourages and welcomes the participation of riders companions. For the non-riding participants who wish to join the group, special 4WD vehicles will be provided.


You don’t need to make a group to participate in a tour. Just sign in and make your reservation clearly indicating your selected program and tour date. If possible. We will book you one of the next scheduled departures, or, if interested in participating in a particular date, we will open a new departure date and group you with other people interested in participating on your same date.

All tours will be conformed by a minimum of 2 participants, riders. If the minimum participation has not been completed 20 days before departure day, the tour will be postponed until the minimum participation has been completed. For example, if only 1 participant have signed in for the tour and there are only 20 days left before tour departure day, the tour will be postponed and will only be rescheduled when the two participant confirms his participation. In such situation, if previously booked participants are not able to reschedule to the new departure date, reservation deposits, minus the cost transfer, will be refunded.


It is never too soon to make your reservations. Early commitment will assure your position on the tour as well as allow Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours to arrange the best possible accommodations and services promptly before the tour date. Tours have been canceled in the past because reservations arrived too late. In order to assure that your tour will go as scheduled, send your reservations today!


A 25% total tour price reservation deposit per person is required to hold your tour reservation. In the event of a cancellation, you must notify Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours in writing no less than 45 days prior to departure. In this case a US$100 per person plus the remitting cost will be retained with the reservation balance being refundable. There are no refunds once the tour has begining. There are no refunds for unused services. All payments are in US dollars. Motorcycle Deposit

A US $400 deposit is required to cover possible motorcycle damages caused by the rider’s improper handling or by not following the tour guide’s recommendations. Deposits will be refunded at the end of the tour when the undamaged motorcycle is returned.


Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours and/or their employees act only as agents for the tour participant traveling through land, boat, or airplane, and assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, and/or irregularity that may be caused either by reasons of defects in the vehicle or for any other reason while engaged in conveying the client, or carrying out the arrangements of the tour.

Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours and/or their employees can accept no liability for losses, or additional expenses due to delay or changes in air, or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, or other causes. These expenses will have to be borne by the tour participants since tour rates provide arrangements only for the original tour scheduling. Any changes will divert tour expenses.

Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours reserves its right to make any changes in the itinerary when deemed necessary, or when forced by unavoidable circumstances. The right is reserved to accept or decline, any persons as members of the tour. The tour guide will have the right to separate any participant who handles the vehicle improperly, does not follow the tour guide’s recommendations, or does not observe proper behavior during the development of the tour.


Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours are insured according to the minimum requirements (SOAT) of the Peruvian authorities. That implies:

Damages and liabilities for death, personal injury, partial or permanent disability and medical or hospital bills of third parties are covered, with a maximum amount of (±) US $ 5.000,00.

Damages and liabilities for death, personal injury, partial or permanent disability and medical or hospital bills of the rider and/or his/her passenger is covered with a maximum of (±) US $ 5.000,00. For all other damages:

Damages to the, due to fire or theft are covered by Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours as far as the day-value of the motorcycle.

Material damages to third parties are NOT covered.

Material damages to the ‘own’ are NOT covered. Mechanical damage, when the rider is not to blame, is covered by Peru Explorers – Peru motorcycle tours.

All consequence damages are NOT covered. The obligatory covering (SOAT) for personal damage to third parties is sufficient and does not need extra insurance.

Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours learned that claiming upon the SOAT is a long and difficult ‘road’. The medical help according to the SOAT is likely not the same you are used to. That is why Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours recommends all her clients strongly to insure fully against cancellation, accident, loss of luggage and personal property and medical expenses. The renter of a Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours is fully liable for all material damages to third party property and/or to ‘his own’ Peru Explorers – Peru motorcycle tours. BE AWARE: The renter is fully liable for any damage to the Peru Explorers – Peru Motorcycle Tours and/or third-party property if it is caused by careless, willful or reckless driving, driving without a helmet or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.